2013-12-09 09:17:19.2
Some say that his legs are hydraulic and he has a bionic brain. All we know is he's called The Stig! Yes it is true, Eddie is the Stig! OK Well maybe not quite…
Eddie made a guest appearance at the Essex eBusiness Forum Seminar today as “The Twig”, the half cousin, quarter brother and twin sister of The Stig, who is as invincible in the Web World as The Stig is in a racing car. Eddie gave a live demonstration of Search Engine Optimization dressed in his racing overalls and a new silver helmet with a black visor.
The stunt was put together for publicity by Datapartners’ Managing Director and co-eBF founder, Peter Banks. Peter was presenting in front of an audience when he gave a Top Gear style introduction to the star who would be “test driving” the code. Eddie then entered the hall to the Top Gear theme music.
Talking on his Official Website, Eddie described the experience as “Bloody silly but very good fun”.
“I don’t think some people got it because these events are largely populated with ‘serious’ business types who don’t really have a sense of humour when it comes to their job.
“Nevertheless it was a funny experience and it gave me some exposure to small local businesses, which can never hurt.”
When asked if he would try to capitalise on this PR stunt, Eddie replied “Well I was tempted to bring along some promotional material, but decided against it in the end. I think it’s just as well because people didn’t seem too interested. They were keener on the serious business at hand.”
The event itself was deemed a success as well.
“I think the event was a success. I mean you are always going to get the occasional tosser who has to complain about something, but I think on the whole it was a success. Without doubt Peter’s presentation was the best. He was the clearest, the best spoken and he put a lot of effort into making it work, which definitely showed!”
Would “The Twig” be making any more appearances?
“I don’t know. I’m not sure it would work quite as well again, I mean there isn’t the same kind of mystique around me as there is The Stig, because nobody knows who he is (although I do – but that’s beside the point!). I don’t go to many of these events anyway!”