2013-12-09 09:17:19.2
Whilst I may be good at putting down my thoughts into written word and expressing myself in a rather cynically right-wing way, when it comes to talking about myself I find it very difficult.
As part of getting this book published, I am undertaking quite a big self-promotional role, which always makes me feel a bit… egotistical and arrogant.
Of course, the wonderful team at Troubador Publishing are carrying out a large part of the marketing work and are getting it out to the retail trade and all the related markets but I have to organise things like book signings, radio interviews, newspaper coverage and generally getting word out.
I also have to come up with marketing spiel about myself and my book to try and encourage people to buy it. As soon as I am asked to come up with wordage like this, my brain freezes and I lose the ability to use every single word in the English language.
I am great at coming up with marketing ideas but shit at putting them into practice. This is partly because I am shy and rather modest, but also because I'm dog lazy.
Anyway, things are moving forward nicely with the book so I will soon have to get off my fat, lazy arse and start promoting it. Then we'll see how full of shit I really am.